Finally Finished it…..

So I have finally completed it. My third book, “My Dad’s a Weirdo”.

Insert Yippee Noise here

I saw a sign/quote the other day that said that if you wait for everything to be perfect, you’ll be waiting forever. So I bit the bullet and did it. Completely self published. No agents, no publishers, just me. Bought the ISBN number and created everything through Snapfish. The editing is a bit ordinary but Ivy, my daughter, who its about, loves it.

What have I learned about this process? If you dont want to go through the Publishers rejecting your work process, do it this way. Most of the time, unless its super awesome, Family and friends are the ones who buy your book anyway. Better off cutting out the middle man.

What would you change if anything? I’d have Ivy on the cover, and a bit more prominent in the book. The story, what I think, doesn’t really flow either, but that’s me being petty.

What next? Im in the mood to do another book, so Im creating one for my nephew Ari. Its about him and his cat Gerty. Ive been pretty proactive on this one and I feel like I’m going to go the tradiaional route and go through publishers and agents etc.


Caricature anyone?


A Little lost…..