Inspire, Motivate but never compare…

Social media is now common everyday practice. I can see what someone is creating on the other side of the world which is awesome. Seeing what other people are creating, getting ideas, sharing ideas is motivating/inspiring. If you do it right!

Comparing yourself to other artists is death. There I said it. You have no idea what that person is doing, how they got where they did or at what point of their life they are up to. Some people are just fucking good. They’ve had a bit of luck along the way, the right person has seen their stuff and they are a little bit further along than what you are. There is absolutely no reason you should be comparing yourself to others.

Secondly, It doesnt matter how many “Likes” or followers you have on Instagram. It really doesn’t. It does NOT translate to sales. Unless you are familiar with the algorithm that Facebook and Instagram have, unless you spend money on advertising, you wont get dick!

Social Media is good, but not the be all and end all. If you are doing art for the likes and followers, you are doing it for the wrong reasons.


I Lied…


The Adventures of Slugman