Sitting here reading through my previous posts and they all seem a bit negative. Why buck the trend hey? Here’s another one.

2 rejections in one week. What the actual Fuck!

I’d blogged about one previously, the school, and got an email yesterday which basically said “Thanks but no Thanks (Eye Roll)” .

Then there was the one where I did a 25 meter Mural on the back of a motel. All “FREE OF CHARGE”. (My cost: $500 plus) Or exposure as they call it. They got back to me and wanted more work done. YESSSS. This time in one of their rooms as part of a theme room. Surfy theme.

I’m thinking, awesome. They love my work. Now I can charge for my work. Surely they’ll pay for supplies? OK, Im a bit anxious so I’ll undersell myself.

$400 for the new work was my price. Now lets break that down.

Spray Cans x 30: $240

Time (Hourly rate) ($35 x 15 Design and Process): $525

Total: $765

I Charge: $400

Loss: $365

Sent the email 1 week ago today. Still, Crickets…..Maybe I didnt discount enough? (Sarcasm)

Reading back over the email, it seems like I’m bitter. You are probably right, but at the same time, I have been doing this for roughly 25 years and feel like it is now time to start charging what I am actually worth. Might mean less work, but at least those paying for my services will get a decent product right?




Enough of the negative shit…(Plans for the next 6 months)
