Sometimes wish I wasn’t a creative….

So why would you want to be a creative? You constantly compare yourself to every person on Instagram, and they’re all amazing, making you feel inadequate and Uncreative. Arrrgghhh.

So of late I have been doing caricatures for people. Ive found a niche’ of doing a caricature, cartoony background and frame it.

People love it.

However, if you take into account the hours spent vs cost I am charging, its a pretty ordinary way to make money, I’d be better off packing shelves at Woolies. One family caricature I did, was 14 hours and I charged $100, Minus the frame, $16, so $84 left, divided by 14 hours and you get $6 an hour. Hahahahahaha. Thats ridiculous, no wonder my wife gets cranky at me.

But at the end of the day, its not about that. Its a side hustle for me and Im doing it because i love it. It could take 20 hours and I would still do it.

I guess my biggest issue is the whole creative charging process. Charging someone something that I do. Something that is easy for me but difficult for them. If they could do it, they wouldn’t be asking me. Would they?

I’m getting to a stage now where I dont care if i get creative jobs or not. Its their loss, not mine. I’m doing some really cool things at the moment, from regular caricatures to murals to being so close to finishing my daughters book. Things I’ve done this past month:

  • 14 caricatures

  • 3 logos

  • 16 pages of a Childrens book

  • applied for 2 mural festivals

  • Beer can label design, soon to be released

    So yeah, had a bit on and happy at the pace things are going. Til next week.

    AW :)


Life goal achieved (Tick)


A whole lotta nothing…