What the actual?

So a few weeks ago I posted about entering a “Bar Runner” competition at the Scratch Bar in Brisbane. I sent, what I thought, to be a decent piece of work. See below. Its pretty random, lines are clean and its interesting. Cool. Job done.

Next, I get the dreaded email, sorry Adam, Unfortunately, your entry has missed out this year, but there is always next year! (eye roll)

I understand I am not going to win everything. I get that, but fuck me…

I am sounding like a bit of a debbie downer and have an inflated opinion of myself. I’ll just put the winning 5 entries below.

Story number 2:

I was contacted by a random dude on Instagram. He said that he loves my work and would love for me to design a logo for him. Hes from Brisbane and wants something new. Cool I think. I do up a few roughs and flick them on, he gets straight back to me, straight away, very quickly, so I change things and get them back to him. Hes stoked. Very happy. One last change, I do it and send it back. Radio Silence. I send a quick note asking his thoughts and have nothing. Radio Silence.

Really. Fuckin c’mon. Don’t be a dickhead.

Rant/whinge over


AW x


New Ideas…..


More Pre-Framed Genius work…