It Doesn’t Always Go To Plan!

I know most creatives will be with me on this, but people simply don’t understand how much time and effort it takes to create something.

Recently when I was painting a Mural, I was approached by a lady to do another job at a local school.

How awesome I thought.

I send the school an email to touch base and was given the prompt. I drive to the school, meet with them. I take photos of the area that I will be painting and head home. So far, I’ve spent 2 hours roughly on this project.

I send off my first idea, I know its going to be changed so don’t spend too much time on it. 3 hours total spent on this project.

It does need to be changed, I get a general idea of what’s wanted and get to work.

When I’m working, I use my Ipad and Procreate to create my Mural piece to show the client. So I do up a piece and send it off. Time spent : Total 5 hours

Email returned: More changes

This part of the job, dealing with people is what I hate the most. I know I’m not the be all and end all but I do know what works. (Whinge Over)

Work some more on design, updating to specifications of the client. Send off email. Time now spent. (7 Hours)

Now here is the kicker of the story, The person I’m dealing with, passes the project onto another person and I’m back to square one. FUCK MY LIFE!

This new person has different ideas, so I once again go back to the Ipad and wrestle out a new design. Time spent on project (10 Hours)

Back and Forth some more til I think we have resolved the issues and are ready to go. Time spent (15 Hours)

One last email from client: “We don’t think the Mural is in he right spot, can you do something completely different elsewhere?” Insert head exploding here…..

Ummmm, excuse me?

Spending a MINIMUM 15 hours on a project just to be told “Nah, do something else” really fucks with your head. (Not good for someone with anxiety with serious doubt in their ability, just sayin’)

Now send back an email to client simply saying “If you wish to work more on this project, I will need to be paid for design services from this point onwards”

So far, Radio Silence.


AW x

Final Product I sent to client. “Nope, lets do something completely different elsewhere ” (Eye Roll)

Final Product I sent to client. “Nope, lets do something completely different elsewhere ” (Eye Roll)


2am and I’m wide awake


Why am I not a millionaire yet?