Why am I not a millionaire yet?

Who wouldn’t want a Bee with a Grenade coming out of his ass on a shirt?

Who wouldn’t want a Bee with a Grenade coming out of his ass on a shirt?

Isn’t it funny? I thought that my shirts and products would be rushing off the shelves. Instead, my best mates have bought something (legends. Thanks Rez and Macka) and a few other mates have sprinkled in.

What did I expect? Every one of my Facebook friends to buy something? 702 friends all buy a $40 shirt. Unlikely.

So I boosted a post on Facebook and what an experience. I spent $60, did not pick my target demographic, instead, only chose 18-65 age bracket in all of Australia. Go!

A couple of angry faces because I’m advertising on their page, a few comments here and there but overall positive, but not a lot of traction.
‘why is this not working? Do I need to rely on my friends to buy my stuff? There’s 26 million people in Australia and I can’t sell any of them a shirt.

Why won’t people buy a shirt? For the love of gypsies buy a fucking shirt!


AW x


It Doesn’t Always Go To Plan!


New Art Work “Love”