Adam Wood Adam Wood

The Ups and Downs

So at this point in time, I’m pretty sure I am never going to enter another art competition again. I never win and the disappointment eats at me. Badly.

I think I have an inflated opinion of myself and maybe think I’m better than I probably am.

The only thing I have ever won, was a school magazine front cover design competition, I was in Year 8, and I won it with another guy, he got the front cover, I got the back. (Eye roll)

Applied for a job at Disney, that was a long shot but I kept the rejection letter.
Wrote 2 x Children’s books, and received 143 rejections from publishers.

Skate deck competition. Nope.

Art competition. Nope.

Beer can design competition. Nope.

Grant application. Nope.

Poster competition. Nope.


Rejection is shit. It’s basically another person telling you that your stuff isn’t good enough. Get fucked!

But alas, if this shit was meant to be easy, everybody would be doing it.

I do art cause I love it.


AW x

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

2am and I’m wide awake

2am. Awake. Staring at the ceiling. Sounds like the start of a Backstreet Boys song. Its not. For some stupid reason, my brain/mind is going 47 million miles an hour. Like a toy monkey bashing cymbals in the Simpsons. I got an email today, from one of the businesses that I did a mural for. It reads:

“Hi Adam,

Just a follow up to your mural you did for us out the back has had a massive feedback on how good it is.

So talking to my boss I have a room that I would like you to come in and continue that theme in that room.

If you would like to drop in and see the room I would love for you to give me an idea you might have for it.

We cant have a wall that good without a theme room from your skill set dedicated to your work.

Kind Regards”

This is why I do what I do, to get feedback like this. Bazinga!

So my head starts going through what I am going to do, what supplies I need and how I can make a video for YouTube while doing it.

But alas, I still have another mural to do before I get started on this one. I have a mates shed that needs doing with some farm animals and stuff. Fun Project.

Stay tuned for that one.



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Adam Wood Adam Wood

It Doesn’t Always Go To Plan!

I know most creatives will be with me on this, but people simply don’t understand how much time and effort it takes to create something.

Recently when I was painting a Mural, I was approached by a lady to do another job at a local school.

How awesome I thought.

I send the school an email to touch base and was given the prompt. I drive to the school, meet with them. I take photos of the area that I will be painting and head home. So far, I’ve spent 2 hours roughly on this project.

I send off my first idea, I know its going to be changed so don’t spend too much time on it. 3 hours total spent on this project.

It does need to be changed, I get a general idea of what’s wanted and get to work.

When I’m working, I use my Ipad and Procreate to create my Mural piece to show the client. So I do up a piece and send it off. Time spent : Total 5 hours

Email returned: More changes

This part of the job, dealing with people is what I hate the most. I know I’m not the be all and end all but I do know what works. (Whinge Over)

Work some more on design, updating to specifications of the client. Send off email. Time now spent. (7 Hours)

Now here is the kicker of the story, The person I’m dealing with, passes the project onto another person and I’m back to square one. FUCK MY LIFE!

This new person has different ideas, so I once again go back to the Ipad and wrestle out a new design. Time spent on project (10 Hours)

Back and Forth some more til I think we have resolved the issues and are ready to go. Time spent (15 Hours)

One last email from client: “We don’t think the Mural is in he right spot, can you do something completely different elsewhere?” Insert head exploding here…..

Ummmm, excuse me?

Spending a MINIMUM 15 hours on a project just to be told “Nah, do something else” really fucks with your head. (Not good for someone with anxiety with serious doubt in their ability, just sayin’)

Now send back an email to client simply saying “If you wish to work more on this project, I will need to be paid for design services from this point onwards”

So far, Radio Silence.


AW x

Final Product I sent to client. “Nope, lets do something completely different elsewhere ” (Eye Roll)

Final Product I sent to client. “Nope, lets do something completely different elsewhere ” (Eye Roll)

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

Why am I not a millionaire yet?

Who wouldn’t want a Bee with a Grenade coming out of his ass on a shirt?

Who wouldn’t want a Bee with a Grenade coming out of his ass on a shirt?

Isn’t it funny? I thought that my shirts and products would be rushing off the shelves. Instead, my best mates have bought something (legends. Thanks Rez and Macka) and a few other mates have sprinkled in.

What did I expect? Every one of my Facebook friends to buy something? 702 friends all buy a $40 shirt. Unlikely.

So I boosted a post on Facebook and what an experience. I spent $60, did not pick my target demographic, instead, only chose 18-65 age bracket in all of Australia. Go!

A couple of angry faces because I’m advertising on their page, a few comments here and there but overall positive, but not a lot of traction.
‘why is this not working? Do I need to rely on my friends to buy my stuff? There’s 26 million people in Australia and I can’t sell any of them a shirt.

Why won’t people buy a shirt? For the love of gypsies buy a fucking shirt!


AW x

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

New Art Work “Love”

Here’s a new piece.

Lets call it “Love”.

I printed a few pieces for the background. Used PVC glue and when it dried made it hard to paint over.

When I’m deciding on what to paint, I tend to check out Pinterest, and get a few ideas. Sometimes ill write down a heap of ideas and try to fit them all in. If there is no background, I pencil it in. This in one was a little different, straight paint onto canvas, no mistakes (nearly)

Lastly, I splattered paint over it cause I love that retro type look.


AW x

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

We’re Live People

The website is Live. Eureka.

I don’t really know what I was worried about.

If people buy my stuff, great. If not, at least they’ve seen my stuff.

This is just a cool platform for people to get into my stuff, contact me with a job or just enjoy the vibe of what I’m creating.

This also gives me a bit of accountability. I need to keep creating as people get bored pretty quickly.

Im pretty obsessed with this at the moment and hope the passion continues.


AW x

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

Artist Block

Sitting here, a little tired, thinking I should be doing some art. But what? 

Instagram? Hard to get inspired when there is too much good shit on there? 

Facebook? Too many weirdo’s on there claiming to be friends when they wouldn’t say hello if I walked passed them in the street. 

Work on my website? Taking too long to load, must be a sign. 

Self motivation. Meh…

Might have a sleep. 

We all have days where we are simply not motivated to do what we should be. And that’s ok. 

Have a bludge, have a sleep. 

Just don’t make a habit of it. 

Jesus, I sound like Tony Robbins (look him up)

I’m trying to give myself reasoning for be a lazy ass. 

Fuck it, I’m off to Paint…

Why do I have a sudden fascination with Slugs?

Why do I have a sudden fascination with Slugs?

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

It all starts with an idea.

It all begins with an idea.

Ummm, a website, WHAT? It’s the only way people are gonna take you seriously. Yep. Ok. So I jump on Squarespace and create this thing. And it wasn’t that hard. And before you ask, ‘ No, this post isn’t sponsored by Squarespace’.
I spend 40 plus hours a week behind a computer screen, might as well spend some of it doing my own stuff. Check.

I have always wanted my art on T-shirts. Affordable stuff for people to wear. It’s a constant advertisement. But I have always had that little guy on my shoulder telling me how shit I am and that there are 47 Million people better than you, and you are wasting your time. That Bloke is a dick.

With the continuous support from my Wife, I/we, took the plunge. I still haven’t released this website yet, that’s another story, but I’ve created the website, it’s a start.

Hopefully this blog post is the first of many, and hopefully more people than my Mum read it (Hi Mum).

Stay tuned for more of my dribble.


Adam x

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