Adam Wood Adam Wood

More Pre-Framed Genius work…

More Pre Framed Genuisness…

Can you imagine this piece in your waiting room whilst you were waiting for your butler to fetch your slippers and pipe? Trying to figure out what the artist was trying to communicate with all the skulls and profanity. I’ll tell you what he was thinking (NOT MUCH)

Best part about this…Its already framed ;)

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

I’m a Genius…

So this week I decided to troll the Op Shops and find old pieces of work that had already been framed. Then paint over them. Its so much cheaper that framing them yourself if you can find bargain. Below is my first attempt. It turned out alright I think.

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Adam Wood Adam Wood


Why The Face?

I like to paint/draw with no real outcome in mind. I want to create cartoon like pieces that are fun to look at with lots of colour. I rarely copy or have well known things in my works unless its a random Pikachu or Monopoly man. You dont get to see 80% of the works i create, as I am so picky in what I share.

Why the face?

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

I Lied…

Earlier in my blog I said I’d never enter another competition. I lied.

Below is my entry to the “Scratch Bar” Bar Runner competition. Its a bit of fun, I have no other reason to be entering. No expecting anything but need to get my stuff out there.

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

Inspire, Motivate but never compare…

Social media is now common everyday practice. I can see what someone is creating on the other side of the world which is awesome. Seeing what other people are creating, getting ideas, sharing ideas is motivating/inspiring. If you do it right!

Comparing yourself to other artists is death. There I said it. You have no idea what that person is doing, how they got where they did or at what point of their life they are up to. Some people are just fucking good. They’ve had a bit of luck along the way, the right person has seen their stuff and they are a little bit further along than what you are. There is absolutely no reason you should be comparing yourself to others.

Secondly, It doesnt matter how many “Likes” or followers you have on Instagram. It really doesn’t. It does NOT translate to sales. Unless you are familiar with the algorithm that Facebook and Instagram have, unless you spend money on advertising, you wont get dick!

Social Media is good, but not the be all and end all. If you are doing art for the likes and followers, you are doing it for the wrong reasons.

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

The Adventures of Slugman

For the month of January, I did a drawing a day. All related to the story of Slugman. A character I created. I thought it would be a good idea to create the story on a whim, a daily basis and not have an overall theme in mind. To be honest, it sucked. The story was poor and some of the pics badly drawn/created. But remember, its not a failure, its a lesson. Other things I think i need to work on is to have more vibrant pictures. They are all quite dull and stereotypical poses. Very bland and boring. Onwards and Upwards.

Peace x


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Adam Wood Adam Wood

Happy New Year

2022. GET F@*KED! Where did 2021 go? Oh, thats right….

Where to for Adam Wood Art in 2021?

My goals for 2022 are as follows: (I’m putting them here to make myself accountable)

  • No more freebies (Exposure is not payment)

  • Getting more random people buying my apparel.

  • Be consistent (All the best artists are always doing stuff)

  • The Local Markets. I need to get to the bloody markets. How can people buy my stuff if I don’t exist?

  • Do cool stuff

And thats it. Welcome to 2022. It is what it is. Lets get on with this shit show and unleash fury…..


AW x

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

Its Christmas

Hello Christmas. Cue Michael Buble and Mariah Carey. Fuck No!

What does Christmas mean to me? Watching my kids get spoilt rotten. Eating waaayyyyy too much food, and spending time with my loved ones. Brilliant!

I am also going to spend some time away from work so I will be able to do some more art stuff. More T Shirt designs and update this website better.

For those 2 people reading this, I wish you the Merriest of Christmases and a happy and safe new year.


AW x

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

A little bit of Randomness

A bit of randomness from procreate. Just another video of me drawing cartoons.

I havent uploaded anything for a while so thought I’d do this thing. Its not much but its basically what I do on a daily basis. Enjoy :)

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

Stealing is Good?

Stealing is good?

People steal in the art community. There, I said it. You’re stuck for ideas, head over to Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Google. You name it. I do it all the time. Stuck for a pose for a certain character, google it, trace over your character into that position, no one is none the wiser. Plagiarizing is different. Using someone elses design to get credit yourself. Bad. Heres an example.

Below is a pic i saw and thought, Shit, thats cool. Ive obviously changed it to my style and could get away with it. There is enough changed in my version to not be a copycat dirty rat. Only thing i have stolen is the head phones cause they are killer, i’d like to give credit to the illustrator but I dont know who it is. (But he draws killer headphones)

Steal, give credit, but dont plagiarize!



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Adam Wood Adam Wood

The Wanker Series

Welcome to the Wanker Series. A series of cartoons depicting those in a wankerish situation.

So I’ve had an idea. Last year I did the Craft Beer Wanker Shirt.

It was quite popular so I have made a stubby holder of it as well. Also popular.

Then I thought, surely there are wankers of all descriptions in so many different areas of life.

The Urban dictionary says “ The term Wanker is someone who is excessively and annoyingly pretentious.”

So I have come up with the following:

  • Whisky Wanker

  • Coffee Wanker

  • Crypto Wanker

  • Cycling Wanker

  • Golf Wanker

  • Wine Wanker

  • Vegan Wanker

Depending on the popularity of them, might mean that I’ll do some more. We are all a bit of a wanker at something…..

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

Enough of the negative shit…(Plans for the next 6 months)

So, I’ve been reading through my posts and thought “Jesus, be a bit more of a debbie downer why don’t ya!” So today is about being positive. What I have done up to this point has been awesome. A website. A shop. A couple of murals. Logos. Fiverr assignments. Posters. So many cool things. All of it is obviously through hard work. I draw, I paint every day. Whether it be on my Ipad, canvas or doodling on a serviette. Art is in my veins.

Thats all well and good but what now?

My plans are the following:

  • Markets (Jetty Markets with my shirts/art)

  • Release a new range of shirts (The Wanker Series)

  • New Murals (Work harder on the cans)

  • More YouTube content (Teaching people how to…)

I need to keep reminding myself that I do this for fun and the rewards will come. I have to keep working hard. There are days that are diamonds and I need to keep reminding myself that I am lucky. Smile often.



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Adam Wood Adam Wood


Sitting here reading through my previous posts and they all seem a bit negative. Why buck the trend hey? Here’s another one.

2 rejections in one week. What the actual Fuck!

I’d blogged about one previously, the school, and got an email yesterday which basically said “Thanks but no Thanks (Eye Roll)” .

Then there was the one where I did a 25 meter Mural on the back of a motel. All “FREE OF CHARGE”. (My cost: $500 plus) Or exposure as they call it. They got back to me and wanted more work done. YESSSS. This time in one of their rooms as part of a theme room. Surfy theme.

I’m thinking, awesome. They love my work. Now I can charge for my work. Surely they’ll pay for supplies? OK, Im a bit anxious so I’ll undersell myself.

$400 for the new work was my price. Now lets break that down.

Spray Cans x 30: $240

Time (Hourly rate) ($35 x 15 Design and Process): $525

Total: $765

I Charge: $400

Loss: $365

Sent the email 1 week ago today. Still, Crickets…..Maybe I didnt discount enough? (Sarcasm)

Reading back over the email, it seems like I’m bitter. You are probably right, but at the same time, I have been doing this for roughly 25 years and feel like it is now time to start charging what I am actually worth. Might mean less work, but at least those paying for my services will get a decent product right?



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Adam Wood Adam Wood


I’m over it. At what point do people give up? Only kidding. Here for the long run. A new shirt design is up on my website. See below. Just thought I’d share. Still cant understand why I am not a millionaire yet but there’s still time. Here’s some thought? Who makes money when you buy a surf shirt? Like a big brand? Investors maybe? I understand the idea of fashion, I want to wear the same shirt as Tiger Woods when I’m on the golf course.

So how do I make my shirts cool enough to be wore by people? Apart from family? Guess I need to just keep plugging away and if it happens, it happens.


AW x

New Shirt Design

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

Next Job…

I did a really big Mural in June Above (Its October) and the owners of the building, a motel, want me to do some more work there. I did mention this in a previous blog post. So here is my idea. Its pretty simple but I reckon it would look pretty cool on the wall. They want to do a themed room, staying with the surfing theme. I think I’ve captured it…..

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

I need to be famous?

So apparently I need to be famous in order to sell my work, or dead! And I’m not really up for the latter. People simply dont really buy original work. They’d much rather have a counterfeit Banksy (look him up) or a picture of the Monopoly man on their walls instead of an Adam Wood Original (Assholes)

But thats the way life goes. Even my own Mother said on the weekend “ I love your work but I wouldnt have them hanging on my wall.” Cheers Mum.

So I’m going to deviate a little. Do some famous cartoon characters in my style and see how they go.

Wish me luck…..

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Adam Wood Adam Wood

Privada Farm Mural

So here it is. My latest venture. Working with the legends at Privada Farm. Hit the play button. DO IT…..

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